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Duluth BASS Club, Duluth Minnesota Bassmasters, BASS Fed Nation Club  

Official BASS club - BASS logo - Duluth Minnesota Bassmasters ClubThe Dultuh BASS Club is
an offical B.A.S.S. (Bassmasters)  Club in North East Minnesota.

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2016 STANDINGS - 2014 B.A.S.S. Standings
Weekend Series B.A.S.S. Standings

Duluth BASS Club - Weekend Series

B.A.S.S. 2014  

Best 4 WS Tot WS BASS Big Bass Total Wgt Angler Name
770 950 4.25 93.85 Douglas Pirila
770 950 4.25 93.85 Mike Lebsack
735 900 3.55 88.4 Aaron Garrelts
735 900 3.55 88.4 Mark Garrelts
735 900 3.85 77.1 Jeff Wefel
735 885 3.8 68 Steve Johnson
735 735 3.85 62.9 Jason Wefel
730 780 4.05 60.3 Capt. Shark Kishida
715 855 4.9 72.15 Lee Dueland
695 835 4.05 70.3 Dane Vocelka
660 810 4.45 67.35 Jesse Powell
660 810 4.45 67.35 Sam Carlson
635 775 4.9 61.8 Kenny Schofield
480 480 3.55 38.2 Andy Puvogel
350 350 4.05 31.15 Greg Poetz




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2014 MN BASS Nation TOC Minimize

Minnesota B.A.S.S. Nation
Individual Results – Duluth Bass Club
9/04- 9/05/2014 Lake Vermilion - FINAL Standings by Club

Participant                            Boat        Fish         Wgt        Pnlty       B/F          Total

22           Doug Pirila              2-27       10/10     24.88                                     24.88

31           Mike Lebsack        1-11        10/10     23.55                                     23.55

45           Sharaku Kishida    1-13        10/9       20.45     0.25                        20.20

95           Jesse Powell         4-80        6/6         12.93                                     12.93

96           Mark Garrelts       2-40        4/4         12.90                     4.51        12.90

104         Jeff Wefel              2-41        4/4         11.51                                     11.51

112         Steve Johnson      2-32        5/5         10.46                                     10.46

114         Dane Vocelka        4-64       5/5         10.38                                     10.38

116         Samuel Carlson    2-29        3/3         10.08                     3.58        10.08

135         Aaron Garrelts     3-57        3/3         7.54                                        7.54

Total Participants: 10

Ave: Fish / Participant: 6.0

Total Fish Weighed: 60 Ave: Fish Weight: 2.41

Total Fish Released: 59 100%

Total Fish Weight: 144.68 Ave: Weight / Participant: 14.47

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